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How Fire Rings Adds Durability to Vehicles

The use of fire rings and liner are quite common these days. A fire ring prevents hard oil carbon from depositing on the top surface.

It is very useful to add durability to vehicle engines and prevent harmful exhaust emissions and so engines will operate without any hassle. Increasing awareness about environmental issues has led engine manufacturers to use liners with a fire ring.

Design and Function:

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Fire rings are located at the top end of the cylinder liner. The fire ring is loosely inserted in the designated rectangular recess during mounting. Later it is held by the cylinder head.

The function of rings is to prevent depositing the unwanted oil from forming on the top land. When the piston passes through the top dead centre, the fire rings scrape the hard oil carbon from depositing. The function is small but it gives long term results in return.

Installation of Cylinder Liner with Fire Rings

Cylinders Liner is first inserted without a fire ring into the engine block. After that Piston and connecting rod are inserted into the cylinder and are attached to the crankshaft. Make sure that the piston rings clamp is pushed enough into the fire ring recess. This is done to ensure that the ring does not rebound into the fire ring and leads to wear or damage.

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When the Piston is installed, the fire ring is placed. If you are installing a fire ring in a used or old engine, carefully place a fire ring with a hammer or a wood block.

Make sure all parts are correctly placed in a proper combination. Always check that fire rings are not honed within the inner diameter. Don't use any parts if they are not approved by the manufacturer.

Piston rings and cylinder liners are important parts of engines that help vehicles to operate without any problems. Using fire rings will help the engine to add durability and to operate without any sort of complications.